Club & Organization Budgets

Each spring, the Student Government Association holds special business sessions where budget proposals are approved for the next fiscal year.  Clubs and organizations may submit budgets following instructions provided by the SGA Treasurer.

2025-26 Budget submission INFORMATION

Deadline for budget submission for TBD*see link at the end for blank general budget proposal form

2025-26: Your organization must have attended one of the Budget Information Sessions in order to be eligible to request funding for next year. The Information Sessions provide all needed information and directions below:

Budget Information Sessions TBD (2025-26)

Budget Proposals for both Conferences and Budgets must be submitted via email on the excel budget proposal form spreadsheet to the SGA Executive Treasurer

*Organizations will receive their 2025-26 Budget Hearing date/time by email following their Budget Info Session attendance.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact the SGA Treasurer or Financial Services Specialist, Martha Butler. Feel free to call the SGA office at 434-395-2265.